she author emphasizes both the difficulty in addition to desirability of approaching homicide as a threat to health that is public, like disease, can usually be treated with preventive care.

in the book, The Exploits associated with Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin, Sufi writer Idries Shad, in a parable about fate, writes in regards to the many culprits of murder:

“What is Fate?” Nasrudin was asked by a scholar.
“An endless succession of intertwined events, each influencing the other.”
“That is hardly a satisfactory answer. In my opinion in cause and effect.”
“Very well,” said the Mulla, “look at that.” He pointed to a procession passing in the street.
“That man will be taken to be hanged. Is that because someone gave him a silver piece and enabled him to get the knife with which the murder was committed by him; or because someone saw him get it done; or because nobody stopped him?” 12

The writer thought we would conclude this article using this anecdote. She might have developed an interpretation, but this would have spoiled the dramatic value for the reader. The goal of using an anecdote will be create your point with subtlety, so resist the temptation to interpret. Bear in mind three guidelines when choosing an anecdote: it should be prepared for (the reader must have all the given information necessary to understand), it must provoke your reader’s interest, plus it really should not be so obscure as to be unintelligible.

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